latest work

When you look at the latest canvases you rightly suspect an underlying idea, but Edwin leaves it to the viewer to flesh it out. This way you can lose yourself in the beautiful and symbolic works of art, where realism and beauty merge into an emotional experience.

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News and Tips

National Art Days Event Hall in Gorinchem

November 16/17, 2024

During the National Art Days, more than 140 artists from home and abroad present their art. This year I will also participate in this exhibition together with five artists from Pijnacker. Visitors can enjoy the great diversity of works of art on display, which are presented and explained with great passion by the artists present. Well worth a visit!


Want to find current exhibitions in South Holland?

Don't know what's going on in the museums in South Holland? Or would you like to do something different than take a walk in the woods or go for a bike ride? Then go to the WichMuseum website and discover at least a hundred current exhibitions that are currently being held in South Holland.


Member of the DelftscheKunst kring DKk and Kunst in Pijnacker-Nootdorp KiP and of course a page on Instagram.

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The original works of art and their images as shown on this website are copyrighted by Edwin Sweep. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.

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