small kitchen

Sweep art Sweet cherries 007

small kitchen

'Small kitchen', is a series of small portraits of tomatoes, apples, lemons, tangerines, cherries, endives, grapes and everything else that can be found in our kitchen.

Sweep art lemon salt 011


Paint type: acrylic
Carrier: canvas on panel
Dimensions: 20 x 20 cm

Sweep art lemon salt 011
Sweep art Three mandarins 009
Sweep art The quiet pleasures of life   Two 005
Sweep art The quiet pleasures of life   0ne 004

Sometimes two paintings become one.

Sweep art radishes 015
Sweep art Healthy head of endive 008
Sweep art Sweet cherries 007
Sweep art apple twins 006
Sweep art Peppered tomatoes 012
Sweep art Salty tomatoes 013
Sweep art cut lemon 014


A special occasion calls for a special gift. See which paintings are still for sale or send Edwin a message for a unique version.

Sweep art Grape fine 010
Sweep art honey jar 003
Sweep art Three mandarins 009
Sweep art The quiet pleasures of life   0ne 004
Sweep art radishes 015
Sweep art Healthy head of endive 008
Sweep art Sweet cherries 007
Sweep art apple twins 006
Sweep art Peppered tomatoes 012
Sweep art cut lemon 014
Sweep art Grape fine 010

A special occasion calls for a special gift. See which paintings are still for sale or send Edwin a message for a unique version.

Sweep art honey jar 003

Date: 2020 / 2023
Paint type: acrylic
Carrier: canvas on panel
Dimensions: 20 x 20 cm


Member of the DelftscheKunst kring DKk and Kunst in Pijnacker-Nootdorp KiP and of course a page on Instagram.

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The original works of art and their images as shown on this website are copyrighted by Edwin Sweep. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.